pp108 : Model Properties dialog box

Model Properties dialog box

This topic describes the options available in the Model Properties dialog box.

You can specify the following in the Model Properties dialog box.

Table 1. Options in Model Properties dialog box

Input UI


Model ID field

Type a unique ID for the model. If left empty, it is automatically populated when you define a method in the Web Service for 'Get' Operation field of the Dataset tab.
Restriction: You cannot assign reserved keywords of JavaScript as the model ID.

Automatic check box

Select to set the model as automatic so that it sends a request to the backend when the XForm is loaded.

Non-transactional check box

Select to create a non-transactional model. The Prompt to Save check box and the Associations tab are automatically hidden from view.

WS-AppServer Integration check box

Select to enable integration with the WS-AppServer. The WS-AppServer tab appears.
Note: The Single Transaction functionality is not supported for WS-AppServer models.

  • On selecting a WS-AppServer model for association, the corresponding Single Transaction check box in the Associations tab is disabled.
  • In case of associated models, integrating a model with the WS-AppServer disables single transaction for its associated models.

Instance Schema check box

Select to display the Instance Schema tab. Here, you can define the instance schema for XForms that are not associated with a WSDL.The absence of WSDL makes it difficult to map such XForms for input and output. You can use the Instance Schema tab to add schema to such methods, making them visible in the message map for mapping. While generating an HTML definition, Process Platform XForms interprets the schema for a business object and combines any validation defined for it. When you enter a value in the XForm, at run time, the value is validated and an alert displays if the validation fails. In the Schema field,

  • Click to select an existing schema fragment from the Select Schema Fragment dialog box that appears. The Business Object field in the Dataset tab is automatically updated with the business object of the selected schema fragment.
  • Click to open the <Schema name> - Schema Fragment window and edit the schema fragment.
  • Click to delete the schema fragment.

  • For information about creating schema fragments, see Creating Schema Fragments.
  • For information about creating business process models, see Creating a Business Process Model.
  • In case of legacy XForms created using Cordys BOP-4 or earlier versions, the Instance Schema tab displays the schema. You can edit the schema, if required.

Prompt to Save check box

Select to enable the display of alerts when you close an XForm without saving it.

Dataset tab

Use the options available to specify details regarding the business objects and methods.

Events tab

Use the options available to specify the methods to be executed for receiving, requesting, and synchronizing data with the backend.

Data Events tab

Use the options available to specify the methods to be executed for tasks involving business objects.

Namespaces tab

Use the options available to specify the namespace for the model.

  • You can add or delete the prefixes and namespaces, as required.
  • The delete option is not available for the default namespaces of a Web service. The namespaces declared on a Web service display in the disabled mode and cannot be modified or deleted.

Associations tab

Use the options available to specify settings for associating models.

Gateway tab

Use the options available to specify settings for the gateway.

WS-AppServer tab

Use the options available to specify settings for XForms integrated with the WS-AppServer.

Model Messages tab


  • In the Delete Confirmation Message field, type the message to be displayed when a record is deleted.
  • In the Save Before Navigation field, type the message to be displayed when you navigate through model data without saving the changes made.

The following options are available in the Dataset tab.

Table 2. Options in Dataset tab

Input UI


Business Object field

Type the business object to be used.
The Business Object field is automatically updated when you specify a method in the Web Service for 'Get' Operation field, or when you specify a schema fragment in the Instance Schema tab.

Iterator Size field

Type an integer value to specify the number of records to retrieve at a time.

Web Service for 'Get' Operation field

Click to display the Select WebService Binding Operation dialog box, and select a method, and click OK.

  • On specifying the Web Service for 'Get' Operation:
    • The following methods are automatically assigned, if available in the Web service interface:
    • Get<TableName>Object is assigned as the Get method.
    • GetNext<TableName>Objects is assigned as the Next method.
    • GetPrevious<TableName>Object is assigned as the Previous method.
    • If invalid or empty, the model ID is automatically updated in the Model ID field.
    • The Business Object field is automatically populated with the business object to be associated.
  • Click to delete a method name, .

Web Service for 'Next' Operation field

Click to display the Select WebService Binding Operation dialog box, and select an option to specify the method from which the next set of business objects is to be retrieved.

Web Service for 'Previous' Operation field

Click to display the Select WebService Binding Operation dialog box, and select an option to specify the method from which the previous set of business objects is to be retrieved.

Note: When you select any one of the Get, Next, or Previous methods, the other two are automatically assigned by the application.
The following options are available in the Events tab.

Table 3. Options in Events tab

Input UI


On Request drop-down list

Select an option to specify the method to be executed before sending a request to the backend.

On Response drop-down list

Select an option to specify the method to be executed on receiving a response from the backend.

On Data Completed drop-down list

Select an option to specify the method to be executed after response data is bound to the controls.

On Before Synchronization drop-down list

Select an option to specify the method to be executed before synchronizing data with the backend.

On Synchronized drop-down list

Select an option to specify the method to be executed after synchronizing data with the backend.

Note: Alternatively, for the above fields, click to display the Script Editor and specify the methods.
The following options are available in the Data Events tab.

Table 4. Options in Data Events tab

Input UI


On Before Insert drop-down list

Select an option to specify the method to be executed before inserting a new business object in the model.

On Insert drop-down list

Select an option to specify the method to be executed on creating a business object, before its values are bound to the control.

On After Insert drop-down list

Select an option to specify the method to be executed after creating a business object.

On Before Change drop-down list

Select an option to specify the method to be executed before changing data in the model.

On Change drop-down list

Select an option to specify the method to be executed after changing data in the model.

On After Change drop-down list

Select an option to specify the method to be executed after the data is changed on the model.

On Before Delete drop-down list

Select an option to specify the method to be executed before deleting a business object from the model data.

On Delete drop-down list

Select an option to specify the method to be executed before deleting the business object from the model data and after deleting the associated UI.

On After Delete drop-down list

Select an option to specify the method to be executed after deleting the business object from the model data.

Note: Alternatively, for the above fields, click to display the Script Editor and specify the methods.
The following options are available in the Namespaces tab.

Table 5. Options in Namespaces tab

Input UI


Default Namespace field

Displays the default namespace of the current model.

Namespace column

Displays all namespaces available in the WSDL for the model.

Prefix column

Displays the prefixes available for corresponding namespaces in the WSDL of the model.
Note: You can also specify a custom prefix. If specified, all instances of the namespace, such as in references, tree, and XML Editor, are automatically updated. However, changes in the prefix are not automatically updated in the script.

The following options are available in the Associations tab.

Table 6. Options in Associations tab

Input UI


Single Transaction check box

Select to enable the Single Transaction functionality, using which changes made to associated models can be saved in a single transaction at run time.

  • The Single Transaction functionality is not available in case of WS-AppServer models or models associated with WS-AppServer models.
  • For information about setting single transaction while associating models, see Adding and Associating Multiple Models.

Parent Model drop-down list

Select an option to specify the model with which the current model is to be associated.
Restriction*It is not possible to associate a model with itself. Also, models that do not have parameters available for association cannot be associated with other models.
*Note: The parameters available for the selected model automatically appear in the Request Parameter column.

Field column

For each parameter, click to display the Model References dialog box, and select an option to specify the field that is available for association.

Parent Model Field column

For each parameter, click to display the Model References dialog box, and select an option to specify the field of the parent model with which it has to be associated.
Note: The Parent Model Field column is editable only if a parent model is specified.

The following options are available in the Gateway tab.

Table 7. Options in Gateway tab

Input UI


Gateway URL field

Type the URL of the gateway to which the model will send requests.

Receiver field

Type the distinguished name (dn) of the service to which the gateway will forward requests.

Timeout field

Type an integer value to specify the duration for which the web server must wait for a response from the Web service.

The following options are available in the WS-AppServer tab.

Table 8. Options in WS-AppServer tab

Input UI


Apply Access Control check box

Select to allow to enable, disable, hiding, and display controls in an XForm based on business logic available in the WS-AppServer.

Initialization Required check box

Select to provide default values for a control in the XForm when a new record or business object is inserted.

Constraint Validation check box

Select to enable server-side validation of the data that is displayed in the XForm.

Before Validation drop-down list

Select an option to specify the method to be executed before the validate request is sent to the WS-AppServer.

After Validation drop-down list

Select an option to specify the method to be executed after the validate response is received from the WS-AppServer.

Related concepts

Model-View-Controller Concept in Process Platform XForms

Related tasks

Creating Models
Associating Existing Models
Using WS-AppServer Business Logic in XForms